So I created a stored procedure to convert a temp table into an HTML table. Yep, just select something into a temp table and call this stored procedure and out pops an HTML table suitable for emailing. Here's the code:
CREATE procedure [dbo].[temp_table_to_html](@tbl varchar(64), @no_results_msg varchar(MAX) = 'None') as begin
if exists (select * from tempdb.sys.columns where object_id = object_id('tempdb..#'+@tbl)) begin
declare @q varchar(MAX);
declare @cols varchar(MAX);
declare @c int;
set @c = 0;
create table #c (c int);
set @q = 'insert into #c select count(0) from #'+@tbl
select @c = c from #c;
drop table #c;
if @c > 0 begin
select '<style>table,td,th { border:solid 1px #ccc; border-collapse:collapse; padding: 3px;}</style>';
select '<table><tr>';
select '<th>'+name+'</th>' from tempdb.sys.columns where object_id = object_id('tempdb..#'+@tbl);
select '</tr>';
select @cols = coalesce(@cols +'+','') + '''<td>''+ISNULL(cast('+name+' as varchar(MAX)),''NULL'')+''</td>''' from tempdb.sys.columns where object_id = object_id('tempdb..#'+@tbl);
set @q = 'select ''<tr>''+' + @cols + ' +''</tr>'' from #'+@tbl;
exec sp_sqlexec @q
select '</tr>'
select '</table>';
if @c is null or @c = 0 select @no_results_msg as NoRows
And here is how you might use it:
select 'Joe' as Name, 25 as Age, 42.10 as Budget into #results
exec dbo.temp_table_to_html 'results'
It returns multiple tables that are all chunks of HTML. Htmm... not pretty in SQL Server Management Studio.
So lets add a switch to control whether it renders HTML or returns a table and we get the best of both worlds.
create procedure sample_report(@html bit = 0) as begin
set nocount on
select 'Joe' as Name, 25 as Age, 42.10 as Budget into #results;
if @html is null set @html = 0;
if @html = 0 begin
select * from #results;
if @html = 1 begin
exec dbo.temp_table_to_html 'results'
drop table #results;
set nocount off
Ok, we've built our foundation. Now lets write a procedure to email the results of the query, as HTML.
exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@from_address = '',
@recipients = '',
@subject = 'That report you wanted',
@body = '<h1>This appears before the HTML table and can be HTML as well.</h1><br/>',
@query_result_header = 0,
@execute_query_database = 'your_db_name_here',
@query = 'exec dbo.sample_report 1',
@body_format = 'HTML';
And that's it! We can now email the results of a query very easily as a nice HTML table. Here's what our sample looks like:
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